Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This clip was shot in the village of Hircek, in Karer, during a rehearsal for the Karer Culture Festival.

Bulbulo xêr e vê sibekê
Tu li ser darê xweş dinale
Ma tu jî weke min birîndar e
Keremke were em mijûl bin
Ka derdê te çiye
Bulbulo vê sibekê li ser darê dîsa tu çi dinale
Ax… wer xuya dike bulbulo tu jî weke min bêhal e
De eKzê nizanim tuyê ji derdê çiye ewqas bi ax û fîgan e
Bulbulo de were em mijûlbin
Keremke ji ser darê were xwar e
Bulbulo, vê sibekê tavek kate çi hum-humî
Ax kevir û kuçikên çiya û zinara li ser serê min hedimîn
Bulbulo tu perê darê ez bûme kewkurkek kula zinaran
Ax.. xêrnexwazan xera kirin germa buharê hêlîn li min herimî…
Bulbulo, bişewite mala Contirkan, komkirin xortên hêja ji her hêlê da
Birin bi vê qetera devê rê da, nizanim dibin bi çi hêlê da
Li dû wan mane bûkên dest bi hine, di paş ko û perdê da bulbulo…
Ax… derd û kederên min ev in bulbulo ev çiya hatiye bi ser ê min re penê da
Xerîb im, bêks im, bêhal im de yar yar… lo lo bulbulo…

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nightingale of Amed (new edit)

This is a short documentary of Seyidxan Boyaci, the Dengbej of Amed. New footage from last summer (2007). His voice is still amazing at 75 plus, but he's been ailing. He came to Diyarbekir after losing his parents at the age of 5, worked as a shoe shiner, walked the streets, endured lonliness, and hunger. He remembers when the streets were so peaceful they were full of storks, and later when the Turkish army occupied the mosques of the city. He was once told by authorities that if he sang inside the city walls they would cut out his tongue, and he laughs when he remembers this, and then begins to sing one more klam.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bave Fexro & Arix

Emrah Kanisicak, Serhan Erkol, Ozan Aksoy, at Alwan for the Arts.